Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Communications Situations

, pictures and consistency, such as Woolworths supermarket’s television advertisements are practicing. They are able to create a memorable slogan ‘The Fresh Food People’ for the Project Fresh campaign since 1986. The colour sc... Free Essays on Communications Situations Free Essays on Communications Situations Subject area: Communication situation is the situation in which consumers receive information about products and services that has an impact on their behaviour (Neal 2004: 37). These information can be transmitted through the use of marketing communications, such as television , radio, direct mail, newspaper, flyers, internet – email, magazines. Television marketing is a non-personal mass media channel that transmits messages to reach a wide and often non-contiguous audience. The five decision areas in the creative side of marketing communication message execution are message storytelling, tone and style, words, pictures and consistency that can affect a consumer’s awareness (Duncan 2005: 308). After understanding the television commercial message, a consumer undergoes the consumer decision process and decision on his/her lifestyle. Research: In terms of television marketing, the message storytelling, seek to bring a big idea alive in an attention-getting and memorable advertisement. The example of news announcement uses a straightforward, factual presentation and emphasises an appeal to reason the usefulness for new and existing products (Duncan 2005:309). The example of Oral-B toothbrush and toothpaste in the television commercial uses a professional dentist to make the announcement of their products to produce informative and persuasive appeals to target the audiences. A clever slogan used by Oral-B is ‘The Brand More Dentists Use Themselves’, provides a straight-selling approach in this channel (Gillette 2004:1). Tone and style refers to the general atmosphere of expression that is used, can influence both positive and negative consumer behaviour, awareness and credibility. Words, pictures and consistency, such as Woolworths supermarket’s television advertisements are practicing. They are able to create a memorable slogan ‘The Fresh Food People’ for the Project Fresh campaign since 1986. The colour sc...

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